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Manipur managed to win 13 medals in the 11th Masters National Aquatics Championship. On the second day of the ongoing championship, Master swimmers of Manipur won 5 gold, 5 silver, and 3 Bronze medals. The Championship is organised by Karnataka Swimming Association under Swimming Federation of India at Atal Bihari Vajpayee Aquatic Complex-Gulbarga, North Karnataka. 

The 5th Shahid Manoranjan Singh Memorial CRPF Football Tournament kicked off yesterday at Langjing Achouba Football Ground. In the first knock out match, PYDA-Luwangsangbam beat KFC-Canchipur 1-0 to enter 2nd round. Roshan scored the wining goal for PYDA Luwangsangbam in the 57th minute. In the second match, Pamyal Football Club-Patsoi beat FCR-Langjing 2-1. 16 teams are taking part in the tournament organised by Group Centre CRPF Langjing. KMTYC-Konthoujam and LFC-Lanjing, and AYDC-Achanbigei and WSC-Langjing Achouba is playing today.

Echel Club Dibong beat MNC Ningthembam 6 - 4 in the second day of the ongoing 1st Konjengbam Nena Singh Memorial Leimarol Kang Tournament 2014. Echel Club Dibong won the toss and decided to initiate the match while MNC Ningthembam chose the side. K Rajmohon Singh umpired today’s match and Ch Ranjit Kumar was the scorer. LEC Babupara is playing against SAYC Sorok Atingbi today. Altogether 9 teams from Cachar, Jiribam and Imphal are participating in this tournament. 

Yaiskul-C Kangkhut entered the semis of the 10th Players Trophy Mixed League Cum Knock-out Kang Tournament. In the second quarter-final played yesterday, Yaiskul-C Kang-khut defeated Lashal Kang-khut-Leimapokpam 23-15. Fifteen teams are taking part in the tournament organised by Yaiskul Kangkhut at Gopaldeva Mandap, Yaiskul. Yaiskul Kangkhut-A and Yaiskul Kangkhut-B clashes in the third quarter final today. 

Indian Olympic Association and Sports Ministry have threatened International Amateur Boxing Association, AIBA to take legal action if AIBA gives severe punishment to the Manipuri Boxer Laishram Sarita Devi.Earlier this week, AIBA chief Ching-Kou Wu had said Laishram Sarita Devi would face heavy punishment for her action at the medal ceremony at the recently held Incheon Asian Games. Sarita Devi not only refused to accept bronze medal at the podium but also handed the medal to South Korean boxer Park Jina.  The Indian Sports officials informed that they are ready with legal procedures. On the hand, Boxing India said they are trying their level best to make Sarita participate in the Rio Olympics. 

All Manipur Film Maker and Producers Association, (AMFMPA) team and High Court Bar Association Manipur played a friendly football match yesterday at Khuman Lampak Artificial Turf Ground as part of the 25th foundation day of the High Court Bar Association Manipur. Renowned film personalities and lawyers of the state took part in the match. In the match High Court Bar Association Manipur team beat All Manipur Film Maker and Producers Association by 4-2.

Nine Bodybuilders of Manipur have been selected in the Indian Bodybuilding team for participating in the 6th World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championship 2014 which is scheduled to be held on December 5 to 10 at Mumbai. Th Sarita Devi, K Rebita Devi, Y Momo Devi will participate in the Women open category, S Bungcha Singh will participate in the Junior category and Th Romi Singh, M Rubi Singh and A Boby Singh will compete in the Senior Category while K Dineshchandra Singh , Y Nando Luwang will compete in the Masters Category. They were selected through a selection trial contest held at Vadodara in Gujarat on 8th of this month.

Eleven Star Sporting Union Akampat emerged victorious in the Winner Cup Football played at Artificial Turf Ground Khuman Lampak. Though Eleven Star and SCL Churachandpur remained goalless till the first half, yet Eleven Star tried hard to beat SCL.The effort paid dividends as Narayan and Dayananda scored one goal each in the second half to emerge victorious. UBSA and YPHU will clash at Kha Manipur College while FC Moirang and FC Zalen will clash at Thomas Ground Kangpokpi. 

In a league match of the 3rd Division Football League match played yesterday, LFC-Kanglatongbi thrashed WSC-Ngairangbam by 6-0. In another match, FC-Lamsang beat Pamyal-Patsoi by 2-0. PCC-Mayaikoibi and YWC-Langthabal, and BBA-Mayang Imphal and UPC-Pishum Oinam Lekai will play today. The tournament is organised by Imphal West District Football Association at YWC Ground-Malom


Teka Kangkut B Pishum down Yaiskul Kangkut B by 15-10 in the last league match of pool B of 10th Players Trophy Mixed cum knock Out Kang Tournament held at Gopaldev Mandap, Yaiskul. However both the team have entered the quarter final of the tournament. In the last pool C league match, Nika kangkut, Nilakuthi will take on Lashal Kangkut Leimapokpam today. Twelve Kangkuts are taking part in the tournament which began from 12th of last month.

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