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When Nokia came out with the Lumia 1520, we were treated to a new side of Windows Phone. All of a sudden, Microsoft's smartphone OS had come of age; it was using the best available hardware specs and a wave of big-name apps had finally arrived in the Windows Phone Store. Even so, we were concerned that the 1520's 6-inch screen size and AT&T exclusivity in the US would limit its appeal.Last week Nokia announced the Lumia Icon, a new Windows Phone with nearly identical specs in a smaller, 5-inch frame. Finally, the perfect device for Microsoft to take on…
Failing to react to market tendencies has been an Achilles' heel of sorts for Sony in the past. Joining the dual-core and to quad-core parties late over the past two years has caused the once mighty smartphone maker to slide down in ranks and came dangerously close to the role of an also-run.It appears that the Japanese giant may have finally learned its lesson though, and this time around they are among the first to jump onto the 5" 1080p bandwagon. But the Xperia Z is more than just a pretty face - with a Snapdragon S4 Pro chipset and…
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